Ethics in general means morals or principles to live a life rightfully. Its very important to live a life with morals and to conduct the duties rightfully. Ethics are required in every sphere of life.  In other words it can be said one should be ethically correct in his or her approach of life. So, it is equally important to follow ethics or morals at the workplace also.

Every organization follows a certain code of conduct which lays out the rules or standards that an employee is expected to fulfill. Its very important to have such ethics or principles in every organization as they promote their mission and values also it provides a sense of professionalism among the employees. Ethics in forensics are challenging as it works at the interface of science and law. Both of these areas employ different methods and have different standards. Every profession is run by different set of ethics and these ethics make them more credible and responsible. The forensic laboratories have developed their own set of principles and ethics to deliver the forensic services in a rightful manner. In organizations where these rules or ethics are followed less dilemmas occur. There are certain ethical and legal responsibilities that a forensic scientist has to perform. With the correct collection of evidences, from their examination & interpretation  to presenting the testimony in court a forensic personnel has to abide all the ethics of his/her organization.

A forensic scientist should have some traits and they must-

  • be competent (have enough knowledge, education and trained)
  • be unbiased and true in nature
  • obey the rules of evidence collection & examination
  • be true to his qualifications and expertise
  • never understate or overstate the scientific findings
  • should follow quality control measures and maintain transparency
  • be devoid of emotions while conducting analysis of evidences

    Ethical dilemma

    While working in a forensic laboratory certain situation arises when an examiner feels personal and professional conflict, when dilemmas appear in front. In such situations ethical code comes to rescue. Siegel has listed ethical dilemmas into following categories-

  •  Misrepresentation of professional Career – Sometimes a forensic scientist can be seen proclaiming a  false educational degree earned from some prestigious institute or  some certification. Misrepresentation of professional degree or career in such a way is unethical.
  • Quality Control measures- Every laboratory has some already assigned rules and guidelines to be followed for analysis and testing of evidences. Still, these protocols are not followed in some cases in fact at times it is seen that the results are concluded without even opening of containers or exhibits (it is popularly known as dry labbing).  A forensic scientist must always make a definitive analysis by following proper guidelines.
  • Inappropriate interpretation of analytical data- ethical dilemmas can be clearly seen while testifying in courtroom when a forensic scientist give improper report or uses jargons to confuse jury or counsels. On the other hand it is the job of an expert that he uses simple words and explains everything what is written in the report to the court. A forensic scientist should only give his opinion and the rest is always on the jury.
  • Self owned forensic scientists- there are many private owned labs and experts who actually do not follow any ethical codes and quality control measures for analyzing evidences. It creates problems in way of justice for victim.
  • Professionalism- Every forensic scientist should be true to his or he profession and stay up to date in his knowledge and highly trained in work. It is the responsibility of a forensic scientist to always follow the ethics to refrain from any ethical dilemma arising in his path.


    Organizations are run through ethical codes and these specific codes are to be followed by all like police officers, prosecutors and forensic scientists. It assist them to take decisions and to remain on a right path. Sometimes what is ethical to one might be unethical to other. In such situations these ethical codes help. Ethical codes are necessary for every organization. It makes the soul of any profession. There is a definite need of unified ethical code in forensic laboratories to stay away any ethical issue arising in any kind of situation. If these codes will be followed  on every level then there will be no hurdles in the path of justice.

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